The template (‘TMPL’) says to use a filter but the ‘FLTR’ for this resource type can’t be found. Couldn't create or open a temporary file. The TMPL data for this resource is either corrupted or nested too deeply. Unknown TMPL field type Can’t open resource. The List Manager list used to represent the resource data has gotten too large. The template for this resource is itself being edited. Please finish editing it first. Hit end of template description before the end of resource data. There is extra data beyond the logical end of this resource. Hit end of resource data before the end of template’s description. Data is missing from end of this resource. This Editor feature is unimplemented. Real Soon Now... Editor couldn’t paste from scrap. Resource data appears corrupted. One of the resources being opened appears to have truncated data. There was a problem opening an editing session for the given resource. Bad session pointer Can’t create new resource with given ID - it already exists in this file. Editor could not find a requested resource Editor cannot find its own dialog Sorry, out of memory.